Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Birthday Wishes

A few days a go Bronson asked me what I wanted for my birthday. We are so blessed with everything we have that it is hard to pin point something I really "need". I usually go through the list of, lip gloss, belly rings, nose rings, ear rings, and toe rings (I think I really like "rings"). Well for Christmas I got belly rings, lip gloss, nose rings and ear rings, and for Easter I got a ton of toe rings ;) so I was kind of out of stuff to say that I needed, but I did come up with a response real fast which was, "a REAL baby". Yes, emphasis on the REAL part. Reason being this...not wanting to wake up to a baby doll, kind of like that 16 year old kid waking up to a hot wheels version of the "REAL" car he wanted. Of course Bron comes off with a sexual response when I asked for a real baby knowing that it would impossible to get me one in a matter of three days. I received so many wonderful birthday wishes today, but one of my favorites was from my close friend who said "and this time next year I pray you will have a baby in your arms." It just touched me. Obviously I can not have a baby by today but now I can continue to move on and look forward to what next year has to offer.

God has a great plan for our lives (twins?) and we can not wait to see what He will bless us with.

1 Peter 1:6
"So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while.

P.S. Even though Bronson could not get me a "REAL" baby, he got me two beautiful dresses, a gorgeous glass rose, and a weekend trip to the beach for the two of us! Looks like he improvised pretty well ;)

1 comment:

  1. :)

    Sounds like Bronson did good! Glad you had a good day!!
