Dear Ava Grace and Claire Faith,
I cried the day I found out your mommy was pregnant with you. I was happy but very jealous. I have wanted a baby for so long. I sent mommy an e mail saying I was praying for you girls and for mommy and daddy. She e-mailed me back and said we could talk anytime because she knew what I was going through. She wasn’t mad at me at all for crying that day.
We met and talked at a deli and she fed you guy’s milk and cookies. I bet ya’ll liked that. She talked to me about how she was blessed with ya’ll and I told her my story. I found out that you were sick Claire, but your mommy was so positive. She knew God gave you to her for a reason and she could not wait to meet you and Ava. My husband and I never stopped praying for you and Ava. We couldn’t wait to meet you two and to play with you. You would of really liked my husband, Bronson. He would have made you guys giggle a lot. He is very silly.
Mommy and daddy kept us posted on every doctor’s visit they went to. We would pray even harder on those days. I would wait by my phone and computer all day. I kept checking my text messages and e mails constantly to see if I had heard from Mommy. On April 22 I got an e mail saying that you two were beautiful, growing, and kicking away in mommy’s tummy. I instantly thanked God and told mommy that everything was in His hands and that ya’ll were going to be fine.
I’ll never forget the morning of Friday, May 13th when I was driving to go meet Bronson at his work. Mommy sent me a text message and said that she was in the hospital, that ya’ll had gone to be with God. I had so many emotions. I had quilt for crying when I found out mommy was pregnant, I was angry at the doctors, I was scared for mommy and daddy and most of all I was heartbroken. Your mommy and daddy are such special people and they didn’t deserve this.
We wanted to be there for mommy and daddy. We went and got them flowers and a card and took it to your house. Your Aunt Lindsay went home to check on the dogs and brought the flowers in the house so nothing would happen to them. Later that night we went to the hospital. We got there about 6:15 and we just cried. We hugged your aunts, your uncle and Grandma and then we went in to see mommy and daddy. We cried a lot that night. We left the room so other people could visit with mommy and daddy but we didn’t leave. We waited with your family in the waiting room until after ya’ll were born. I had no words for mommy and daddy. I didn’t know what to say but I hope that just being there was enough.
That Sunday was brought mommy and daddy food so that they didn’t have to worry about cooking. We wanted to stay and chat but there were a lot of people there and I think it was still too soon to visit. That week we went to your memorial service and that was the first time I got to see your footprints and your pictures. You two were beautiful and so tiny! It was a beautiful and touching service and there was not a dry eye there. Mommy wrote a beautiful letter that Mrs. Stacy read. You girls have a very special and strong mommy and daddy.
I took mommy a book yesterday to read when she wanted to. I hope it will help her since ya’ll are in Heaven and not at home. We talked for about an hour and I cried most of the time. I never got to meet you two but I felt a bond with ya’ll that I can’t explain. Mommy showed me your room. It was so cute!
I hope ya’ll are having fun in Heaven! I know mommy is glad ya’ll are together playing! I will keep checking on mommy to make sure she is doing ok!
Until we see you again, we will miss you every day.
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